I read blogs, not the New York Times.

English: The New York Times building in New York, NY across from the Port Authority. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When I was a kid, it seemed like there was a new TV show every week about a young, upstart journalist who wanted to make it as a newspaper reporter. Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane in Superman were rehashed over and over.
Today, Lois Lane would probably have a blog called ManofSteelUpdate.com and be building her own audience rather than the readership of The Daily Planet for Perry White.
Blogs represent the foundation of the shift that we see in new media. The success of blogs has in some measure been attributed to their ability to grant readers the ability to comment and interact with the writer’s original post. In many ways, The Howard Stern Show has many similarities to a blog. Howard expresses his thoughts on a range of topics in a thoughtful and honest way. During the radio show, he takes listeners’ phone calls, and the listeners get to comment on the content that they’ve been presented.
The conversation continues even after he has moved on to new ideas.
Jamie Troia is President of Greystack Digital Marketing and author of Stern Rules!